Music Ministries

Children's Choirs
Youth Choir
Adult Choirs
Children's Choirs are offered on Wednesdays, 6:15 - 7:15 PM, September through May.
There are three age groups:
Sonshine Choir (3-4 year-olds), Cherub Choir (K- 2nd graders), and Young Musicians Choir (3rd-5th graders). Children's Choirs occasionally perform during Sunday morning worship.
There are three age groups:
Sonshine Choir (3-4 year-olds), Cherub Choir (K- 2nd graders), and Young Musicians Choir (3rd-5th graders). Children's Choirs occasionally perform during Sunday morning worship.
Steel Drums
"Pandemonium" Adult Steel Drum Band practices weekly during the school year and occasionally plays for worship services or other special events.
Youth Choir (grades 6-12) meets Sundays, September through June, at 11:45 AM. The Youth Choir occasionally performs for Sunday morning worship services and also takes an annual mission trip. In past years, the Youth Choir has traveled to Nashville, Florida, New York City, Canada, and other destinations.

The Instrumental Ensemble (seasonal) plays hymn accompaniments and assists with special anthems.
The Chancel Choir rehearses Wednesdays, 7:30 - 8:30 PM, and is open to all adults. The Chancel Choir regularly sings at the 11:00 AM Sunday worship service, as well as seasonal and special events.

Jubilate Handbells is a
three octave handbell and handchime choir for adults with music reading experience. Jubilate Handbells rehearses Sundays, 5:00 - 6:00 PM, September through May.
three octave handbell and handchime choir for adults with music reading experience. Jubilate Handbells rehearses Sundays, 5:00 - 6:00 PM, September through May.