JOY Seniors (Just Older Youth)

About Us

Who We Are

Established in 1982, JOY Seniors is an organization of Vinton Baptist Church which ministers to the needs of adults 55 years of age and older.  Others are certainly welcome to be part of all JOY Seniors activities.  We meet for the purposes of both fellowship and service.

What We Do

Monthly luncheons and/or trips are planned throughout the year.  At least one overnight trip is planned each year.
JOY Council meets monthly for the purpose of planning activities; please share your ideas with any Council member.

Our Mission

The JOY Seniors group seeks to glorify God as we reach out to the seniors and family of Vinton Baptist Church, as well as those in our community, to encourage them to grow in the Lord and challenge them to serve Him with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.