
RIGHT NOW MEDIA: To sign up for Right Now Media resources (Bible studies, small group resources, children's programming, etc.), please click here.
Upcoming Activities & Events:
Pancake Brunch Fundraiser to benefit our Preteens' expenses for Passport Kids Camp
April 6th at 11:30 AM - $10/person
Please sign up here. Please do NOT pay online; please pay cash or check at the door the day of the event. You are welcome to eat in the gym or mark your meal(s) for takeout.
April 6th at 11:30 AM - $10/person
Please sign up here. Please do NOT pay online; please pay cash or check at the door the day of the event. You are welcome to eat in the gym or mark your meal(s) for takeout.
Click here for our 2024-25 Sunday School brochure with class options listed. Please note that there is also a Young Adult Small Group for ages 18 - 28ish that meets at RND Coffee at 9:00 AM on Sundays.
Don't have a Sunday School class? Try one out today!
6:15 PM Children's Choirs (PreK - 5th Grade)
6:15 PM Youth Missions Group
6:30 PM Weeknight Worship
(Nursery available 6:15 - 7:30 PM)
7:30 PM Chancel Choir
PLEASE NOTE: There are no Wednesday activities March 26th except for Chancel Choir.
9:15 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Morning Worship
11:45 AM Youth Choir Rehearsal
4:00 PM Weeknight Worship Rehearsal
5:00 PM Handbells Rehearsal
5:30 PM Youth Dinner/Extreme
(Nursery available for Sunday School & Morning Worship)
Don't have a Sunday School class? Try one out today!
6:15 PM Children's Choirs (PreK - 5th Grade)
6:15 PM Youth Missions Group
6:30 PM Weeknight Worship
(Nursery available 6:15 - 7:30 PM)
7:30 PM Chancel Choir
PLEASE NOTE: There are no Wednesday activities March 26th except for Chancel Choir.
9:15 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Morning Worship
11:45 AM Youth Choir Rehearsal
4:00 PM Weeknight Worship Rehearsal
5:00 PM Handbells Rehearsal
5:30 PM Youth Dinner/Extreme
(Nursery available for Sunday School & Morning Worship)
June 22nd - 27th
Converse University in Spartanburg, SC
Click here for all the details.
June 22nd - 27th
Converse University in Spartanburg, SC
Click here for all the details.

Click here for the 2025 JOY Seniors brochure (for ages 55+)!
Our Mission:
- to obey God's Great Commandment:
- to follow God's Great Commission:
- to build God's Kingdom
We invite you to join us in fulfilling this mission!
219 Washington Avenue
Vinton VA 24179
Vinton VA 24179
Get In Touch
We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.
Graduate Sunday is May 2023
We will honor graduates during both worship services (please let us know that you are coming). We will also host the WBHS Baccalaureate at 6:00 PM.
We will honor graduates during both worship services (please let us know that you are coming). We will also host the WBHS Baccalaureate at 6:00 PM.
JOY Seniors Upcoming Events
May 6th - Day Trip to Downtown Roanoke
May 9th - 11th - Spring Trip to Lancaster, PA
May 23rd - JOY Senior Luncheon & Program
October 17th - 20th - Fall Trip to the Ark Encounter/Creation Museum
More info available at the JOY Senior Table.
May 9th - 11th - Spring Trip to Lancaster, PA
May 23rd - JOY Senior Luncheon & Program
October 17th - 20th - Fall Trip to the Ark Encounter/Creation Museum
More info available at the JOY Senior Table.